You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


Another Open Letter to George by Cindy Sheehan


First of all, I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall on November 8th, when we all knew fairly early that the Democrats had taken back the House of Representatives. I would also have loved to be in the room when Senator George Allen conceded and the Senate was lost. I hope you realize that your demented policies and miserably failed leadership style is responsible for the thumping that your party took this week. Even though I couldn't be a secret first hand witness to your political demise, it was good to be in front of your soon to be vacated premises in DC.

On November 4th, 2004, after you stole yet another election, I wrote an open letter to you promising that I would use every last ounce of strength that I had to see you held accountable for the death of my son and for all of the gratuitous bloodshed that you have foisted on humanity since you have been president.

As committed as I am to bringing the troops home, I am as much committed to seeing you investigated, impeached, ejected from office, and imprisoned in the same cell with Saddam for crimes against humanity. After all, you yourself, have said over and over again that the troops aren't leaving Iraq alone while you are in get out of office so our young people can come home. A recent MSNBC poll said that 86% of their viewers are in favor of putting you on trial, George. 86% is exactly the same percentage of Iraqis who want our troops to leave their Bush-torn country.

Americans (you remember us, don't you?), turned out in huge numbers the other day to hold you accountable. You had yourself another accountability moment there, and you lost, didn't you? We Americans did not vote to retain the Republican status quo of murder, mayhem, and oppression. We voted to change politics as usual in this country. We voted against you and your wars of terror. We voted against you and your spies. We voted against you and your torturers. We voted against you and your definition of freedom as something that can be spread by bombing a country into oblivion. We voted against you and your definition of peace as something that can be spread by violence. We voted against you and your definition of security while your state sanctioned terrorism is creating more terrorists. We voted against you and your most atrocious and abominable exploitation of the right to life to continue your genocidal policies in Iraq.

We the people have a mandate for change. If you think that we are going to squander our mandate and permit you to slide away into obscurity in Crawford, as a footnote as the worst president in US history, to lick your wounded pride and count your stacks of ill-gotten gains, you are wrong. You are not escaping punishment as other war criminal presidents have in our past. No matter if you and Rep. Pelosi become best buddies and take tea regularly in the oval office, we the people with our mandate are not going to allow you to get off scott-free.

After the 110th Democratic Congress is sworn in, we the people with all the power, will be out in force in the halls and offices of our elected officials to make sure that our mandate for change is carried out. Gone are the days when we will permit our elected officials to bow before the special interests and allow the war machine to run our country. Here are the days where we the people with the mandate will enforce our mandate.

We are also going to enforce our mandate for change to insure that you do not invade another country, in our names, that is no threat to the USA. We will not allow any more war for the war profiteers.

George, you and your buddy, Karl, frightened us into thinking that we needed you to protect us. We are not afraid anymore, George, but you should be very afraid. A sleeping giant has been awakened and we are starving for justice and peace. I hope your successors remember who employs them and who has the real power in the country, because you forgot and it is going to cost you your job and your nice life in Central Texas, or Paraguay...wherever you thought you were going to retire in infamy to.

George, you said that you have been to rodeos before. I am not so sure what you meant. A rodeo is filled with real cowboys and bucking broncos. You are a fake cowboy who is about to be thrown from the horse that you have been illegitimately and incompetently riding for almost six years now. Enjoy the rest of the ride while you can, George. Pad your seat, things are going to get even bumpier for you!

In Peace and Hope,
Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Casey Sheehan...murdered by your fake and failed war of terror.
Co-Founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace.
Founder of Camp Casey Peace Institute in Crawford, Texas.


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