You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


Iowa caucus

Although I am an natural optimist, few recent events have made me feel untempered joy for the possibility of a better future like I do tonight. I believe our country and our world are in serious trouble, but (at the risk of being cliched) I truly believe Barack Obama has the makings of a real catalyst for change. The fact that so many people apparently agree with me (in Iowa at least) makes me proud to be an American, and that is a feeling that I just haven't felt a lot recently.

At the same time, all of the stories I've heard of idealists seeking the power to change America have end in tragedy. I'm not a religious guy, but I'm praying for the safety of Barack Obama, and I hope you will as well.

Oh and my mom's pregnant. Here's hoping the child will grow up in a safer, cleaner, happier world with Barack Obama as our next President.



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