You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


Dry humor

One of the biggest problems I have with the internets is that I still haven't figured out how, precisely, to convey my sense of humor digitally. Short of me sending a digital elbow to the chest when I make a joke, I am too dry for my ish to merely be read.

For example: I just read a lengthy MySpace blog by a model ranting about a man who offered her $2,000 to have coffee with her but turned him down for ethical reasons and the little fact that she is married. I left a comment at the end, summarizing her response as a distaste for coffee which I thought was Witty. However, said comment was immediately deleted.

What's left of me after this traumatic and humiliating event is pondering how I could have made it more obvious that I was joking. Or perhaps it just wasn't funny? I guess it's the sign of a boring job (and probably poor work ethic) when I take the time to blog about my comment being deleted from somebody's MySpace blog. I just wish I could take those kudos back.

Anyways, I'm leaving for a semester in Germany in four days, and things should get much more interesting then, if I'm not mistaken. So do come back.

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