You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


Proud to be part of it

I'll be honest with you, folks. I only qualify as part of an "educated audience" because I get my education from Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert. Consider my list of the top 5 reasons I'm looking forward to coming home in a month...

5. First run movies in English
4. No more routine communication disasters
3. My friends & family
2. The Daily Show/The Colbert Report
1. Unlimited free refills when I go out to eat

I think the question isn't whether or not The Daily Show and the Report are what won the election for the Dems. I think it's whether my generation will be remembered as Stewart's Children or Colbert's Children. I'm gonna vote for Stewart's Children due to seniority, but we'll see.

And I'm damn proud to be a part of it.

I just hope my mom remembered to TiVo all the Reports and Daily Shows for the past three months so I can watch them in December.

Speaking of people who are making a difference, I saw Borat: Cultural Learnings For Make Better Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan on Wednesday night. It was quite possibly the funniest movie I've ever seen. Mom, if you're reading this, you would hate it and walk out indignantly. But everybody else would probably cry from laughter like I did. My friend Nathalie (and many others) said that she thought it made America look bad, and while there are certain scenes that did: the rodeo, the frat boys (who are now suing if you didn't already know), the New Yorkers... I thought it could have been a lot worse. There were certainly some patient, kind people that Borat encountered.

And besides, he went through the South, which, well, we all know about them anyway. If he had gone through Northwest Ohio, there would probably be an overly massive international migration there so it's probably for the best that he didn't. I can't believe the ishstorm that movie is raising though.

I think I have some new photos laying around here somewhere to post in the near future... random stuff from around the Deuce. Read Cindy Sheehan's new open letter to George I posted below if you haven't already.

Oh, and here's the trailer for Jesus Camp. I think I probly already linked it, but whatever. Everybody go see it and let me know how it is.


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