You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


The Cologne Cathedral Tour

This is a little old, but here are some photos from our tour of Cologne Cathedral from a few weeks ago.

(for those who don't remember... )

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not a fan of heights, that Nathalie

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No, I don't know why we're doing that with our hands.

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I took this one.

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And this one.

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And this photo has nothing to do with the Cologne Cathedral, but I just got it from Nathalie, and it's one of my favorites from this semester...

And finally, here's a quote I just found...
"There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet."
The Gallant Hours

Keep it funky fresh, Junior Woodchucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures - the ones you took have a funky angle on things. You'll be a great cinematographer with your eye for composition.



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