You wouldn't believe me if I told you.


After 1 week in the Düsse...

(If you're reading this on Facebook, come over to to get the videos.)

Since last we spoke, life's been very busy here in Deutschland. On Friday, we met at the main Düsseldorf train station at 7:30 and took a train for two hours to a town called Bacharach in the German countryside where we climbed on a boat to sail up and down the Rhine Rive. There were a lot of castles, but in all honesty, if you've seen one castle, you've seen them all. It was fun though. We then proceeded to climb a mountain and tour a castle at which point my camera's battery died, and I lost all my photos and videos for the day except for this part of one...

After the castle tour, with everyone nice and sweaty, we went to a classical concert at a poster in Bruhl. I was exhausted, but I managed to stay awake for part of what our teacher Lars called a "once in a lifetime" concert.

I'm planning on getting some pictures of this stuff from other people, but I thought I would give you folks in TV land a taste of things.


Blogger The Barry said...

People were short in the middle ages.




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